The RealBirth Complete Programme supporting you

The RealBirth Programme helps to educate and inform pregnant women, people and families through our workshops and digital platform, which supports your decision making before and during labour and birth.

What Is The Real Birth Programme All About

We created The Real Birth Programme because we believe that all expectant parents should have access to positive birth information. It is beneficial for pregnant mums and their birth partners to have positive help with their birth preparation. We support all birthing choices because we believe in empowering you with the right information when you need it.

Birth preparation is really important. It should help you feel confident in your abilities and the decisions that you make about your labour and birth. We have trained each of our birth professionals so that they can provide you with this fun, informative antenatal class. They will talk you through your options and help with your birth preparation and birth plan.
The workshop was very useful. The language is simple and the images and videos help a lot to consolidate the information. Additionally, it is very well structured and the content is very well presented.

Antenatal class

The Real Birth Programme is a birth preparation antenatal class. This antenatal class will help you understand what happens during in labour and birth. You may be planning to give birth at home, in a birth centre or to have a hospital birth. Your antenatal care may be from your midwife, an obstetrician or even both. Whatever your care or birth preferences are your body is designed for this.

We help you understand your birthing body, where the discomfort or pain comes from and why it may be there. When you understand the body and the systems that work together, it will help you prepare for your birth. It will also help your birth partner, as we teach them techniques to support you, giving you both a tool kit!

Wherever you decide to give birth, the information you will get from our course will help you to plan and work with your body and will help you feel more comfortable during birth.
We have lot’s of information collected from postnatal women & people. They have told us how helpful the course has been during their birth. For example of how beneficial the Real Birth Programme is, our most recent data shows that only 4% of women who took our specialist course used pethidine in their birth!

You can find The Real Birth Programme all around the country.

We have teachers offering face to face and virtual classes, helping to promote choice, respect and dignity for your birth.
As a fire time mum I think this had been brilliant as it’s gives you more knowledge about the parts I never even thought existed, I’ve found it very helpful and thoroughly enjoyed the course

Pregnancy Info

We will take you on a step by step journey of how our bodies birth our babies. There are amazing physical, hormonal, and emotional processes our bodies work through during labour and birth.

Our aim is to help you to understand more about the physiology behind birth and labour. Learning how competent and incredible your body is can help you feel confident and relaxed through the stages of birth. We will teach practical skills for you and your birth partner so they feel comfortable in their role. These can be used during late pregnancy, labour and birth to help you feel calm and in control.

The information we use is taken from evidence-based practice and has been written to promote a positive and holistic approach to your birth.
  • Positive attitudes in pregnancy
  • Hormones in pregnancy and birth
  • Understanding your pelvis
  • Stages of labour
  • Ways to reduce stress in labour
  • How to be a birth partner and
  • advocate in labour
  • Positions for birthing
  • Skin to skin with your baby
  • Baby’s adjustment to its new world
  • Caesarean birth
  • Assisted birth

    There are some great resources out there about pregnancy and how to care for yourself whilst pregnant. For up to date information on food restrictions, exercise, and all things pregnancy related, we always recommend visiting the NHS website.

    If you want to teach The Real Birth Programme in your local area, please get in touch with us!
  • I found this workshop really helpful particularly learning about how my pelvis and uterus worked during labour. It reminded me how amazing our bodies are and it was good to see just how much our bodies prepare for birth and this makes me feel slightly less nervous.

    Find A Teacher

    Your Real Birth Teacher is highly skilled and has been trained to teach you the programme using specific training techniques. Our teachers hold a wealth of knowledge and are very passionate about supporting pregnant women, people and their partners through their pregnancy and birth journey.

    Stay connected with us!