Becoming a RealBirth Teacher
27 January 2020
Pregnancy and COVID-19
25 March 2020
The Real Birth Company has been working hard with different organisations across the country, making sure that our three-day RCM and FEDANT accredited antenatal teacher training programme is accessible to families, providing support to women and birth partners, most recently in the West Somerset region.
Working beside ‘SkillUp West Somerset’, ‘Somerset West and Taunton Council’ and ‘Taunton and Somerset NHS Foundation Trust’; we trained several midwives and Home-Start staff in our antenatal education programme, to develop skills of imparting our positive, global evidence-based and holistic programme. Collaborative working is an important part of our work and helps with achieving our mission statements.
‘To provide relevant, up to date, evidence based antenatal information that is imparted with a positive attitude to birth.
To impart knowledge with confidence to empower women and their birth partners at this very special time.’
The core aim was to develop a joined up thinking approach, meaning that no matter where a woman is able to access her antenatal classes, she and her birth partner will be receiving the same information, that is relevant to today’s maternity services.
The Real Birth Company are very proud to be working with these organisations and look forward to a continued partnership with West Somerset and developing more relationships in other counties across the UK.
We hope to increase the growth of our holistic and evidence-based antenatal programme, to hospitals, organisations and midwives to help achieve our mission statement.
About the organisations
Skill Up supports businesses and people in the Somerset area with apprenticeships and/or skills, giving free, impartial advice and guidance towards their career. You can find out more about their work at: https://skillupsomerset.org.uk/
Somerset West and Taunton Council governs over 120,000 people, providing services such as housing, future council events and plans for West Somerset area. You can find out more about their work at: https://www.somersetwestandtaunton.gov.uk/
Taunton and Somerset NHS Foundation Trust’ is the largest acute hospital in Somerset with a birth rate of 3,200 births per year, serving a population of over 340,000 as well as providing some specialist and tertiary services for the whole of Somerset with a catchment population of 544,000 people. You can find more about Musgrove Park Hospital at: https://www.tsft.nhs.uk/