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6 August 2020
The Obstetric Anal Sphincter Injuries (OASI) Bundle is a group of interventions which aims to reduce the number of injuries up to and into the anal sphincter which can happen during a vaginal birth.
12 June 2020
Many UK hospitals have focused on prioritising support for homebirth during Covid-19, recognising that keeping as many birthing women and people away from the hospital as possible during a pandemic is the best way to keep midwives and families safe from the coronavirus.
25 March 2020
The answer is pre-caution. What is already known is that pregnancy can alter how the body handles viral infections and in a small percentage of women it alters how the body manages severe viral infections significantly.
24 February 2020
27 January 2020
20 December 2019
MBRRACE is a report which is led by the National Perinatal Epidemiology Unit, at the University of Oxford, this report is an analysis and investigation into the cause of maternal death, stillbirths and infant death.
8 August 2019
16 May 2019
2 May 2019
18 September 2018